Lindi Smit, Director, Performance Catalyst Ltd

We have been working with a much-valued client over an 18-month period and wanted to write up their story as a case study. We wanted to ensure it was a positive and reflective experience for the client. I had no hesitation putting Lois in touch with them to conduct the interviews and all the communication regarding the case study. She is very professional and listens and responds to feedback well and we were very pleased with the end result and would recommend her services.

— Lindi Smit, Director, Performance Catalyst Ltd

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Ian Florance, Only Connect

My recommendation is pretty simple: Lois is one of the best people I've worked with and alongside in a 30 + year career.

She can think long and short term: combines real vision with an eye for detail; is wonderfully well-organised and has absolute ethical values. She has a real insight into people, what needs to be done and takes care of business relationships.

You can trust her to do excellent work for you. I did - and still do.

— Ian Florance, Only Connect

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Ben Willlams

It was great to work with Lois to develop a clear marketing plan for our consultancy firm.

Lois’s knowledge of our industry, coupled with her marketing expertise, allowed her to not only facilitate my thinking but also offer specific pointers about what was more and less likely to be effective and therefore maximise our marketing spend’s efficiency.

— Ben Williams, Founder, Sten10

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Helen Giles, HR Director, St Mungo’s Real People HR consultancy

We commissioned Lois to carry out some market research and strategy work for our two separate HR brands and service offerings.

Her work gave us a focus and clarity that was totally lacking before. We only had a modest budget and she delivered exceptional value for money. Our businesses saw immediate results in terms of increased customer enquiries.

— Helen Giles, HR Director, St Mungo’s Real People HR consultancy

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Visuable Team
Nick Fry

Lois worked with us to develop our new website’s text which launched our innovative standalone 360° offering.

She understands our business, the people we need to target, and the language we want to use. I found Lois to be highly professional with just the right balance of creativity vs practical ideas and advice.

— Nick Fry, Director, Progress International Limited

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European Test Publishers Group

Lois managed a pan-European research project for the European Test Publishers Group in which she demonstrated her skills as a superb co-ordinator and project manager, managing the differing needs of the stakeholders in what is a very diverse organisation.

Her professionalism, attention to detail, insight, patience, and skill in putting together a research survey for 23 countries meant that we had a research paper which we could use to the member companies’ benefit. This did much to position ETPG as a player in important debates.

Due to the multinational nature of ETPG, there were many cultural issues to negotiate, which Lois did with aplomb. In a big project like this, it’s easy to lose sight of the client’s ultimate goals. Lois kept these firmly at the centre of her work and has a real skill at working cooperatively.

— European Test Publishers Group

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Former General Manager, Hogrefe Ltd

It is a great experience working with Lois – she delivers on time, provides insight into our business, adds tremendous value and is great fun to work with.

She helped introduce a marketing discipline and approach across our business and allowed us to implement our ambition to foster a strong sense of connectivity between product, service and customer need.

Specifically, Lois worked with us to help shape our messaging for our very different customer groups and to communicate points of differentiation in a very crowded market.

Lois was able to move seamlessly and effortlessly from participating in our strategic direction meetings to operational implementation. She was always conscious of budget and return for our investment.

Keen to transfer her knowledge to our in-house team, Lois has helped to embed marketing across our business. She is one of the most organised people I have worked with and was an asset for our virtual team.

— Former General Manager, Hogrefe Ltd

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Visuable Team
Helen Connolly, Helen Connolly Associates

Lois's ability to grasp a project brief and turn it into a deceptively simple piece of writing - whether it is a web page, a press release or a brochure - is unparalleled in quality and speed.

Her professionalism, enthusiasm and commitment to a project is awe inspiring and yet she is one of the most warm and giving individuals you are ever likely to meet.

— Helen Connolly, Helen Connolly Associates

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Kevin McBride, Founder, MHR Global

Lois was critical in helping us identify and define our target audience and key messages. She took it further by negotiating with a key business partner and set in place an activity plan which she then implemented.

Lois wrote, reviewed and edited articles, marketing copy and created a new website for us. She became part of our team, thinking about our business beyond the project scope. I would highly recommend Lois’s services to others.

— Kevin McBride, Founder, MHR Global

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