Posts in Marketing Strategy
Sarah Perugia, Leadership Coach

Working with Lois has made a material difference to my confidence as a business owner, and my turnover!

She has helped me clarify the purpose, voice and identity of my business AND what makes our offering unique. I come away from each conversation with greater understanding and tangible 'next steps'.

Working with her has been fantastic. She is not only knowledgeable and super-smart, but she also genuinely listens and cares.

I look forward to continuing to work with Lois.

She is a wonderful thinking-partner to have as I continue to grow my business.

— Sarah Perugia, Leadership Coach

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Jo Adams, Director, Human at Work Ltd

Lois has been outstanding in helping us develop our brand message and align this to our marketing strategy. Lois’s ability to grasp the essence of what we are aiming to do and convert that into a meaningful strategy and relevant content has been invaluable. With her support, our marketing approach has become focused, impactful, and more importantly enjoyable! I consider Lois an essential part of our team and she plays a key role in us achieving our goals.

— Jo Adams, Director, Human at Work Ltd

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Elise Cope, Partnership Director, GFB

Lois has turned our messaging on its head by helping us to understand what our target audience wants - and how to address those needs.

We had renamed the company and there was a bit of confusion around our brand, core messaging and offering. We were not front of mind in potential clients’ thoughts and, while we thought we knew what we’re good at, we needed to better understand the value to the client, how what we do maps to their needs and how their perception of us can change.

We do not have the level of expertise or resource in-house to deliver what we needed. Lois has the ideal combination of marketing expertise coupled with long experience in our specific industry sector, so she knows the market and how to best target it.

She has been fantastic in creating an objective view of our value proposition – and is extremely flexible and a pleasure to work with.

— Elise Cope, Partnership Director, GFB

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Claire Osborn, Director, CoDevelop Consulting Ltd

Working with Lois has had a significant impact for CoDevelop – and for me personally.

For the first time since I founded the business, I have a cohesive marketing strategy which is helping me to attract and retain the right clients – and to engage with them on topics that really matter.

Lois's depth of experience, true understanding of the corporate audience, ability to distil information and ideas into compelling materials and her pragmatic approach have transformed how we market what we do, and the results we get.

Lois is easy to work with, highly professional and I really value working with her on both our strategic projects and those everyday marketing needs.

— Claire Osborn, Director, CoDevelop Consulting Ltd

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Kate Turner, CEO and Founder, Motivational Leadership Ltd

One of the challenges of working for yourself, is being able to have the clarity of thought necessary to develop good plans. Another challenge is being able to obtain sufficient marketing know-how to be able to ensure that the marketing efforts you do make, pay dividends. It’s no surprise that developing marketing strategies was a struggle for me.

Through her skill and patience, Lois is able to tease out of me what I was wanting to do with my business, what I’d already tried, what ideas I had for the future and more. From there, she was able to present back to me, in a structured and clear way, how the different elements of the marketing plan fitted together, and which parts would be best completed first. She was then able to support me through the plan – providing coaching where necessary, and encouragement and challenge too.

Working with Lois is an absolute pleasure.

— Kate Turner, CEO and Founder, Motivational Leadership Ltd

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Ruth Thomas, Senior Consultant, Curo Compensation

As a growing company, Curo Compensation needed to refine its positioning statements and key messaging.

Lois was able to quickly get up to speed on our product proposition and market and use this to bring a fresh pair of eyes and creative juice to the process.

Her wide background of experience meant she was able to bring broad recommendations to improve our marketing processes and her knowledge of the HR market definitely helped. It was a pleasure working with Lois on this project.

— Ruth Thomas, Senior Consultant, Curo Compensation

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Ian Florance, Only Connect

My recommendation is pretty simple: Lois is one of the best people I've worked with and alongside in a 30 + year career.

She can think long and short term: combines real vision with an eye for detail; is wonderfully well-organised and has absolute ethical values. She has a real insight into people, what needs to be done and takes care of business relationships.

You can trust her to do excellent work for you. I did - and still do.

— Ian Florance, Only Connect

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Ben Willlams

It was great to work with Lois to develop a clear marketing plan for our consultancy firm.

Lois’s knowledge of our industry, coupled with her marketing expertise, allowed her to not only facilitate my thinking but also offer specific pointers about what was more and less likely to be effective and therefore maximise our marketing spend’s efficiency.

— Ben Williams, Founder, Sten10

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